Lowest Price for 5 Acetic Acid Molarity - Acetone – Debon


 Chinese name: Acetone


English name:Acetone


Molecular formula: no data.

Molecular weight: no data



Hazard class: Class 3.1 Low flash point flammable liquid

Physical and chemical


Appearance and traits: colorless, transparent and easy to flow liquid, with aromatic odor, very volatile.。


Melting point (°C): -94.6

Boiling point (°C): 56.5


Critical temperature (°C): 235.5

Critical pressure (MPa): 4.72


Saturated vapor pressure (KPa): 53.32 (39.5 ° C)

Heat of combustion (KJ/mol): 1788.7


Relative density (water = 1): 0.80 (air = 1): 2.00


Solubility: Miscible with water, miscible in most organic solvents such as ethanol, ether, chloroform, oils, hydrocarbons.

Burning explosion hazard

Flammability: Extremely flammable, its vapor and air can form an explosive mixture. It is easy to burn and explode when exposed to open flames and high heat.


Ignition temperature (°C): 465

Flash point (°C): -20


Lower explosion limit (%): 2.5

Upper explosion limit (%): 13.0


Minimum ignition energy (mj): 1.157

Maximum explosion pressure (MPa): 0.870



Its vapor and air can form an explosive mixture, which is easy to burn and explode in case of fire and high heat. It can react with oxidants. Its vapor is heavier than air and can spread to a relatively distant place at a lower place. It will ignite and ignite in case of fire. In case of high heat, the internal pressure of the container increases, posing a risk of cracking and explosion. Hazardous combustion products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. 



Strong oxidizing agent, strong reducing agent, alkali.



Extinguishing method: Move the container from the fire to the open space as much as possible. Spray water to keep the fire container cool until the end of the fire. If the container in the fire has changed color or produces sound from a safety relief device, it must be evacuated immediately. Extinguishing media: anti-solvent foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder, sand. Fire extinguishing with water is not effective.

The toxicity of


LD50 : LD50: 5800 mg/kg;20000 mg/kg

LC50 : There is no information



LD50 : LD50: 5800 mg/kg (rat oral); 20000 mg/kg (rabbit percutaneous)

LC50 : No data available



China MAC(mg/m3): 400       Russia MAC(mg/m3): 200



Health hazards: Acute poisoning is mainly manifested by anesthetic effects on the central nervous system, which are fatigue, nausea, headache, dizziness, and irritability. In severe cases, vomiting, shortness of breath, paralysis, and even coma. Irritating to eyes, nose and throat. After oral administration, there is a burning sensation in the lips and throat, followed by dry mouth, vomiting, coma, acidosis and ketosis. Chronic effects: long-term exposure to the product, dizziness, burning sensation, pharyngitis, bronchitis, fatigue, irritability and so on. Long-term repeated contact with the skin can cause dermatitis. 



Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly with soap and water.

Eye contact: Lift eyelids and rinse with running water or saline. Seek medical attention.

Inhalation: Quickly leave the site to fresh air. Keep the airway open. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, perform artificial respiration immediately. Seek medical attention. Ingestion: Drink plenty of warm water and induce vomiting.

Storage and transportation conditions

Dangerous code:31025  

UN number:1090 

Packing mark: Flammable liquid

Packing type: Class II packaging


Storage Precautions: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat. The temperature should not exceed 26 °C. Keep the container sealed. It should be stored separately from oxidants, reducing agents and alkalis. Avoid mixing. Explosion-proof lighting and ventilation facilities are used. It is forbidden to use mechanical equipment and tools that are prone to sparks. The storage area should be equipped with leakage emergency treatment equipment and suitable containment materials.

Leakage emergency treatment

Quickly evacuate personnel from the contaminated area to a safe area, and conduct isolation to strictly restrict access. Cut off the fire source. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear self-contained positive pressure breathing apparatus and wear anti-static overalls. Cut off the source of the leak as much as possible. Prevent entry into restricted spaces such as sewers and flood drains. Small amount of leakage: Adsorption or absorption with sand or other non-combustible materials. It can also be rinsed with a large amount of water, diluted in water and placed in the wastewater system. A large number of leaks: building a dike or digging a pit. Cover with foam to reduce steam hazards. Transfer to a tank truck or special collector with an explosion-proof pump, recycle or transport to a waste disposal site for disposal.